The next group will MEet 12:15pm-2:30pm,

over four Mondays: July 29th, August 5th, 12th, & 19th


For information about Seasons For Growth follow this link

For information about Seasons For Growth follow this link


The key beliefs that underpin Seasons for Growth are that loss and grief are a normal and valuable part of life. Loss can present in many different forms. When we experience loss, the cycle of grief kicks in and affects us all differently. The dimensions of grief are physical, social emotional and spiritual.

The Seasons for Growth program aims to explore the elements of grief and loss and build resilience, peace and hope. While it has been developed by the Christian group McKillop Family Services, it is not explicitly Christian. It is an education program, not counselling or therapy.

Seasons For Growth - Small Group Support

The Seasons for Growth support groups meet for four, face to face sessions to explore change, grief and loss at a deeper level.

Location: Gordon Community Centre, 110 Lewis Luxton Ave (opposite IGA)

Cost: $100 ($70 concession), includes personal journal

For dates, times and more information, contact Lyndal from Wide Horizons Counseling.

This is a safe place to share and to listen and to learn from each other.

Even when our experiences can be real or raw it is helpful and encouraging”
